Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Turkey Attack!

And the painful poetry continues with yet another Christmas Saga:

 Turkey Attack

The day that the turkey
Attacked us at dinner
Came in an ordinary
Christmassy winter

Grandma had taken
The plates to the table
Dad had been fixing
A leg that’s unstable

He folded a napkin
And stuffed it beneath
The wobbly leg
With a bow from the wreath

My young cousin Annie
All dressed up in lace
Was kicking poor Fanny
As she tried to say Grace

She said “bless this turkey
And pies in the oven”
And then there was a shudder
And all of a sudden

The turkey rolled over
Dad checked the table
But found when he looked
The leg was quite stable

The turkey was moving!
There wasn’t a doubt!
It climbed from the plate
And stumbled about!

Big chunks of stuffing
were flying around
that were eagerly grabbed
By the dog off the ground

Fanny was howling
Mom all a flutter
Annie was scowling
As the bird squished the butter

Granddad nearly stabbed Dad in the eye
With a steak knife
While keeping the bird from the pie

Then Grandma stood up
And with a great sigh
She took hold of the bird
By one meaty thigh

It wriggled and jiggled
And put up a fight
But Granny held firm
And to all our delight

She carved up the bird
As it struggled and shook
No match for this
Octogenarian cook

It stilled at last
As she finished the carving
To the relief of us all
For we were quite starving!

So after that day
We moved on to goose
Or ham or a duck
Or even a moose

But never a turkey
They were too messy
And Fanny refused
To say dinner blessings!

-December 18, 2013

Monday, December 25, 2017

An Elf Tale

An Elf Tale

Ecki the elf wasn’t proud of himself
 For the way he’d behaved at the party
He'd caused quite a  fright
Set the curtains alight
Which earned him the new name of “Farty”

He had good intentions
Showing off his inventions
And ideas for many new toys
Dolls that would fart
And toy jets that could start
Would cheer many girls and boys

He learned however
That to put them together
Wasn’t a good thing to do
For the jet engine’s flame
Met the dolly’s methane
And up Santa’s curtains flames flew!

Luckily for all
Santa was called
And to everyone’s great delight
With a nod and a wink and a touch of his nose
The flames were put out for the night!

For unlucky Ecki his night wasn’t over
As a wide path formed in the room
A fierce Mrs Claus came like a bulldozer
Wearing an expression of doom!

She lifted the elf in her giantess paw
And he dangled in front of her face
“Ecki the elf!” boomed the voice of Herself
“Why are you such a disgrace!”

Her face was quite red
Dear lord I am dead!
He knew he was in for it now
She shook him with anger
He shivered from danger
And sweat came to bead on his brow

“Ecki the Elf no toys shall you make”
Shamefully Ecki’s head hung
“your new task for now for all  of our sakes
Is to shovel the reindeer’s dung!”

Some people laughed
Some people mumbled
Santa closed his big eyes and he grumbled
But no one would dare the wrath of the Mrs
Whose anger’s as bad as an ice-demon’s kisses!

Santa had bigger problems to consider
With ever more toys each year to deliver
The sleigh and the reindeer were getting quite tired
And the just weren’t as fast as Santa desired
But with Mrs Claus’s edict in place
He could at least ease the poor elf’s disgrace.
“But first my wee friend, and this one is certain
There’s one more thing you must do
You’ll make us a brand new set of felt  curtains
Before you start stinking of poo!
So the very next day
While all were away
Fixing up toys in the shop
Ecki went up to the house made of snow
And yards and metres of felt did he sew
Until the curtains were perfect and shiny and red
And he crawled back into his little elf bed.

In the morning however as he came awake
He sighted a shovel and a dirty old rake
Leaning beside his little elf bed
Ecki rolled over and covered his head

“Best get it done with Farty my friend,
The sooner it starts, the sooner it ends”
Ecki’s igloomate Myrf said with mirth
As he pulled on his coat over un-elf-like girth

So shovelling poop and scraping up dung
Ecki would work until the bell rung
The reindeer would tinkle and jingle along
And Ecki would whistle and sing Christmas songs
Until one fine day when the hoar-frost was high
And Ecki was in reindeer dung to his thigh
when and idea just sparkled and poof bright as day
he suddenly knew how to boost Santa’s sleigh!

So he set off to work with his dollies and jets
And methane and lighters and robotic sets
And come Christmas morning Santa greeted
With a jet-powered sleigh upon which was seated
A tiny wee elf who he knew as “Farty”
Who would come to be known as the little elf “Smarty”!

                                                December 18, 2013

Friday, December 25, 2015

Naughty or Nice.. A Christmas Story.. continues..

 For Love of Antlers

Dave had a soft spot
For Christmas each year
It wasn’t the presents
Or overall cheer
He just took a fancy
To a style of clothing
That he knew many others
Considered with loathing

But there was just something
He couldn’t explain
That had him returning
Again and again
To the Santa Claus Grotto
Day after day
To sit or to stand
Just watching the sleigh

For each time he came
To the mall she was there
He just found it enticing
A guilty delighting
No sense in fighting

He just had to stare

For who could resist
A lady in red
With velvety antlers
Stuck to her head!

              December 24, 2013

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Naughty or Nice.. (a Christmas Story)

I am a bad person.

I decided to do hand-made Christmas cards this year, but in the end, they were more like Christmas booklets. Then my printer got offended and opted for censorship-by-strike action, (uptight little *@#$) so I converted it into a slideshow and stuck it here.

I offer no apologies.

May you never look at Santa the same way again!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas in Paisley - Down on Ferguslie Walk

Down on Ferguslie Walk - A Christmas Tale

Every year’s a spectacle
In Paisleys bleakest notch,

Once we saw a testacle
Peeking from Santa’s crotch
His trousers quite well ventilated
Down on Ferguslie walk

Once there was a reindeer
Tasseled breasts a swinging
Whilst she stumbled down the road
Christmas carol swinging

I wonder what I’ll see this year
Down on ferguslie walk

Pigeons perched on buzzing lights
Enjoying the vibration
And neighbours wandered on their way
To the pub for their libation

We heard the sound of scuffling,
a HO HO HO in Paisley-talk
and then the ring of jingle bells
...down on Ferguslie walk

Hamish leapt and ran to see,
We leaned across the shelf,
Out the window, there was Santa!
brawling with an elf!

Mrs Claus was looking on,
Her bosoms overflowed
Her muffin puff was rosy pink
Above her cameltoe

She’d added near her nipples
A pair pair of twinkling lights
And an awkwardly placed Xmas tree
On her roundly jiggling tights 

Two large dogs were wearing antlers
one, a snowman's smock
Oh the things you see at Christmas
...down on Ferguslie walk

They were really getting into it
the dogs had joined the throng
a bark! a slap!, a rip! a tear!
Santa wears a thong!!!

It was then I saw the bottle of Buckfast
wrapped in a tartan bow
go flying in the air!

The elf leapt left!
Santa right!
The dogs got out of the way!

and down came the Bucky...
                               came the Bucky
which shattered in a spray.

A sudden end to the violence,
Santa and the elf both stunned to silence
the dogs looked on in shock
Mrs Claus let out a squawk!

...down on Ferguslie walk

Painted in a brilliant purple,
they all then wandered off..
leaving a puddle of Buckfast
...down on Ferguslie walk

In the distance, for a brief spell
We could hear the Mrs give holy hell
Scalding pointed ears
And pulling sticky beards

Then all was calm,
this silent night
(Except the buzzing of the lights)
to enjoy some Buckfast Christmas cheer
...down on Ferguslie walk!

December 2011